Friday, August 19, 2011

Low carb creation!

Sorry I have been MIA! Lot's of change going on! Nonetheless, I have still been coming up with new recipes and doing all kinds of fun workouts! Here is my lunch today (and probably dinner as well!) I literally just came up with this out of no where and had no clue if it would be any good.. So here goes a little Veggie Noodle Chicken Spaghetti! Enjoy!

-So in oce pot I boiled the shredded broccoli, added a little extra virgin olive oil, and some lemon pepper seasoning.

-In the other pot heat the marinara sauce, shred the chicken patty and add to the heated sauce.

-One broccoli is boiled, strain and put back in pot, add chicken marinara, stir and serve!

It's delish!!!!

Nutrition Facts for the serving sizes I used:

  • 365 Calories

  • 5.5 g Fat

  • 15 g Carbohydrates

  • 26 g Protein

Low carb creation!

Sorry I have been MIA! Lot's of change going one! Nonetheless, I have still been coming up with new recipes and doing all kinds of fun workouts! Here is my lunch today (and probably dinner as well!) I literally just came up with this out of no where and had no clue if it would be any good.. So here goes a little Veggie Spaghetti! Enjoy!

So in one pot I boiled the shredded broccoli, added a little extra virgin olive oil, and some lemon pepper seasoning

I the other pot heat sauce, shred chicken patty and add to the heated sauce.

One broccoli is boiled, strain and put back in pot, add chicken marinara, stir and serve!

It's delish!!!!

Nutrition Facts for the serving sizes I used:
  • 365 Calories
  • 5.5 g Fat
  • 15 g Carbohydrates
  • 26 g Protein

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Exercise'll make you wanna JUMP JUMP!!

Today's workout involves - guess what- JUMPING!

Circuit 1:

Warm up with a 10 min jog (pick up the pace every 30 seconds)
Jump rope 1 min. + 30 seconds rest
Squat jumps 1 min. +30 seconds rest
Side-2-side jumps (feet together) 1 min.

Rest 1 min.

Circuit 2:
20 right-footed hops moving forward + 10 seconds rest
20 right-footed hops moving backward + 10 seconds rest
20 left-footed hops moving forward + 10 seconds rest
20 left-footed hops moving backward

Rest 1 min.

Circuit 3:
Jumping jacks = 100
Front/Back jumps (feet together) = 60
Right to left jumps (as far as you can go each side/land on opp foot) = 40 total (20 ea.)

Rest 1 min.

10 min cool down jog
STRETCH! Especially your calves... you will FEEL the burn tomorrow!


Monday, June 27, 2011

Sprint workout for fat loss!

This workout is INTENSE and is better for individuals who are already pretty fit, but looking to lose inches and body fat %... 3 days a week is plenty with a clean diet and mixed with weight/resistance training... here goes!

Warm up, light jog and dynamic stretches (10 mins)
Sprint 1 (40% speed)(walk back)
Sprint 2 (50% speed)(walk back)
Sprint 3 (60% speed)(walk back)
Sprint 4 (70% speed)(walk back)
Sprint 5 (80% speed)(walk back)
Sprint 6 (90% speed)(walk back)
Sprint 7 (100% speed)(walk back)
Sprint 8 (100% speed)(walk back)

Cool down and static stretch for increased flexibility (which will burn some extra calories!).


Sprint workout for quit fat loss!

This workout is INTENSE and is better for individuals who are already pretty fit, but looking to lose inches and body fat %... 3 days a week is plenty with a clean diet and mixed with weight/resistance training... here goes!

Warm up, light jog and stretches (10 mins)
Sprint 1 (40% speed)(walk back)
Sprint 2 (50% speed)(walk back)
Sprint 3 (60% speed)(walk back)
Sprint 4 (70% speed)(walk back)
Sprint 5 (80% speed)(walk back)
Sprint 6 (90% speed)(walk back)
Sprint 7 (100% speed)(walk back)
Sprint 8 (100% speed)(walk back)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Today's workout!

Today was a workout I haven't done in a while... I forgot how brutal it was.....

Started with a 30 minute sprint/jog/walk with hills

Recover 5 min.

Tabata squats:

16, 16, 16, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15 (not my best, but like I said, it's been a while)

*Reminder that Tabata is the 20:10 method for 8 sets of each back to back (4:00 min total)

20 seconds of all out hard work (today's work being squats)

10 seconds rest

I highly suggest investing in a Gymboss. I ordered mine on Amazon for about 20 bucks! You can set it to intervals such as the 20:10 ratio for as many rounds as you want!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Want to run a 5k???

This is a great opportunity! The Team CFM 5K Run/Walk is a laid back Run/Walk for the purpose of raising funds to support Team CFM get to the 2011 Reebok CrossFit Games in California. Only 30 teams WORLDWIDE qualify for The Games and Team CFM has worked and sacrificed so much to be competing at this level. Lets show our support and love!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

What's for lunch?!?

Chicken Patty PLEASE!
Talk about yummy! These patties are already seasoned and DELICIOUS! I heated mine and ate it plain with some veggies on the side... I am FULL and feel satiated a satisfied! Try it at Trader Joe's!


Today's workout is a tough one but to modify it is easy!
High intensity interval training (HIIT) for running

Set 1
Sprint or jog 30 sec
Jog or walk 30 sec
do 10 sets total (10min)

Set 2
Sprint or jog 30 sec
Jog or walk 60 sec
do 10 sets total (13 min)

Set 3
Sprint or jog 30 sec
Jog or walk 90 sec
do 10 sets total (16 min)

Workout equals 39 min or you can stick with one or two sets. Either way work as hard as your can during those 30 seconds, then recover. You'll see great fat-loss results and won't need to do another workout this intense for several days.


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Today's workout!

I did a fun workout with my good friend, Elicia (who is also a fitness freak!)

Warm up 5 min jog/dynamic stretch

Elicia: Jump rope 2oo rotations
Kati : One-legged mountain climbers (Do 10 on each leg until partner is done w/ jump rope)


3 min. fast-paced run

Elicia: Jump rope 200 rotations
Kati: sit-ups with 5lb. med ball with twist (about 30 reps or as soon as partner finishes jump rope)


3 min. fast-paced run

Elicia: Jumping jacks w/ 5lb. med ball Total=100
Kati: 10 Inchworms (stand feet together inch handds all the way out one at a time to push-up position. Do 1 push-up, walk hands back up to stand)


3 min fast-paced run
Cool down/Stretch

Takes about 30-45 min and is non-stop hard work! Try it!

Happy Fitness!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

HIIT this workout!

I have found the HIIT method to be most effective when trying to shed fat & get lean muscle mass.. Ask you what the heck HIIT it? It's an acronym for High Intensity Interval Training. Most interval workouts start with 30 second workouts. Rest periods come down from 90 seconds to 30 seconds. Warming up & cooling down are essential with this type of workout. You can use this method on virutally any type of exercise, from runnig to biking, mixed with jump rope, burpees squats, jumping jacks, etc. Email me with questions or examples of workouts.

Below are 3 levels of intensity in terms of rest times & sets...

Beginners should do about 6-7 sets of 30 seconds sprint./90 seconds rest (jog/walk)

Intermediate workouts consist of 30 second sprints & 1 minute rest (walk/jog)

People who feel they are already fit & would like to push themselves more can go the advanced route. 30 seconds sprint / 30 seconds rest for 12 rounds (give or take)


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Perform each exercise at max capacity w/ a 30 sec break between each:
-1 min of squat jumps
-1 min of jumping jacks
-1 min of push-ups
-1 min of mountain climbers
After one set rest 2 min and repeat as many times as you want!


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Try this Jump/Run pyramid!

For an intense fat-burning workout check this out:
Jump rope 5 min. Run (moderate to fast pace) 5 min.
Jump rope 4 min. Run 4 min.
Jump rope 3 min. Run 3 min.
Jump rope 2 min. Run 2 min.
Jump rope 1 min. Run 1 min.
The "up" part of the pyramid is 30 min (which is plenty) But if you wish to come "down" the pyramid or take away to adjust to your current fitness level go for it! As Rx, this is a great way to burn fat and the quicker the better in this heat! Try it!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Get your servings of fruit today!!!

I just love this picture, but also wanted to remind you to get your 3 servings of fruits in today! HAPPY FITNESS & NUTRITION!!!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Workouts of the day!

What is your workout today? Need ideas? Are you working out at home, outside, or in a gym? I have ideas for working out anywhere!!!
Your home workout:

20 seconds work / 10 seconds rest for 4 min (each exercise)

ab twists
jumping jacks

Your outdoor workout:
Walk/jog for 1 minute
Jog/sprint 20 seconds

For 30 minutes

Cool down and do 10 reps of each of the exercises listed above

Your gym workout
Any cardio machine for 20-30 min doing intervals listed in the outdoor workout

Cool down and do 3 sets of 10 of each of the exercises in the home workout

Make it a priority today! You'll feel great and will be eager to do it again tomorrow! Eat CLEAN! This include lean meats/fish, fruit/veggies, nuts/seeds. Just try it! You'll be surprised how good you feel! Email me with questions or more workout ideas!


Thursday, March 31, 2011

Today's Park Workout!

So I get bored of the gym or just running so I decided to do an interval circuit down the street at Sevier Park! If you know of that park you know it's hilly! FUN! ;) Here's how it went (kinda made it up as I went, but it worked out -no pun intended- pretty well!)

Jog down the hill to the bottom
Jog/sprint/walk back up to the top
• Sprint 100 yards
• Walk/jog 50 yards
• Wall sit doing 20 reps of bicep curls and/or shoulder press
(I used bricks, but you can use your own weights)
• Begin again

I did this circuit for 25 minutes straight with no breaks unless I was briskly walking.
Afterwards to incorporate more strength and resistance find a bench and do any or all of the following...

Bench workout:

• 10 incline pushups
• 10 step-ups (each leg)
• 10 tricep dips
• 10 side step-ups with leg raise at top (each leg)
• 100 (total) knee-to-elbow (start in push-up position, lift left knee to right elbow & switch)

Do this circuit as many times and as fast or slow as you want! Take breaks, don't take breaks-- you decide! This is a great total body workout!


HIGH protein, LOW carb pancakes!!!

Get your day started right with some protein!!! It keeps you fuller longer and gives you the energy you need to burn calories all day! These pancakes are YUMMY and easy to make and all you need is about 5 minutes!
  • 1/4 cup egg whites
  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder (organic rice protein or whey)- visit your local nutrition store, wholefoods, or Trader Joe's
  • 1/2 banana (mashed)
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tbs flaxseed
  • Add a handful of fresh or frozen blueberries after the above ingredients are mixed together.

Pour into a pan that has been sprayed with olive oil cooking spray- heat on medium. Cook one side until you see the little bubbles… just like cooking any pancake! Flip over (careful!) and cook on the other size until the middle is done (peek inside with a fork).

Top with two sliced strawberries and optional powdered stevia. ENJOY your protein pancakes! :) If you need more carbohydrates, you may add 1-tbs agave or organic maple syrup on top.


recipe thanks to

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Breakfast made quick & easy!

Breakfast is SO important. Too many people skip it thinking they'll be fine on coffee until lunch... WRONG! Studies have linked healthy breakfasts with less chronic disease, increased longevity and better health. Starting your day with a healthy, high-protein breakfast boosts your metabolism, heightens your awareness, and fuels you for your day. If you think about it, when you wake up you're body has not been fed for 8-10 hours (depending on when you ate dinner). That is a long time for us to not have food. Waiting any longer a.k.a, lunch, is depriving your body of essential nutrients it needs to get things done.
I am not a cook by any means, but I do love a veggie omelette made with egg whites or egg beaters first thing in the morning. Many people do not have time to slice veggies in the morning so what I did was really easy and very quick! I found this prepackaged veggie tray at Kroger's which was perfect! After I got what I needed for my omelette I just stored the rest in tupperware for tomorrow! I added a little fat free cheese, made some veggie bacon and had a high protein packed breakfast quick & easy!

Challenge yourself to make breakfast a priority. You can buy pre-packed veggies or prep them the night before, so you have no excuse not to make this yummy meal. You can also add some turkey sausage, turkey or veggie bacon, chicken, or anything you like that you have time for!


Monday, March 21, 2011

Get Going!!!!!

No matter what your fitness goals are, there will be a program that fits your needs! As spring has approached we've moved outdoors, so contact for your workouts in the park!!!! New pricing plan is as follows. Contact if you have questions! Happy Fitness!!!



Individual Training
1 hour - $50
1.5 hours- $65
2 hours - $75

Couple/Small Group Training
1 hour couple - $60
1 hour group (3 -6 people) - $35 per person

Large Group/Team Training
1 hour group (7-10) - $30 per person
1 hour group (11-22) - $25 per person
1 hour group (22+) - $15 per person

Specials & Deals:

20 Sessions - $850 ($150 savings!)
10 Sessions - $400 ($100 savings!)
5 Sessions - $175 ($75 savings!)

Group (2 or more)
20 Sessions - $650/person
10 Sessions - $325/person
5 Sessions - $250/person

Note : All "Specials & Deals" sessions will last one hour.

* Bootcamps pricing will differ. See "Bootcamps" tab at top!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Take a moment

Take a moment to reflect on yourself (I'm doing the same)... What are your short and long-term goals? Are you where you want to be physically, spiritually, occupationally, etc? Have you been riding the wave of mediocrity? Are you over-achieving and spreading yourself too thin? Do you make time for your friends and family? Do make an effort to reach out in your community? Are you actively searching for your purpose on this earth?

These are questions I have been asking myself lately... tough questions! But definitely some things I know I need to think about!

Start by actually writing out your goals. They can be anything you want to achieve in a given amount of time. Feel free to make two lists...

Short-term goals:

Long-term goals:

I started with five each. I have a lot more goals than that, but it's a great starting point. Make sure you give yourself a time frame of when you'd like to accomplish each goal. For your short-term goals I would give yourself a 3-6 month limit. That way there is an end in sight... light at the end of the tunnel. If they get any longer than that they turn out to be long-term goals. Really consider which goals should make each list. If you'd like to lose 10 pounds, stick it on the short-term list. If you'd like to make $10,000 more a year then put that one on the long-term list, and so on. Be specific and don't be afraid to really set some special goals!

This is the first step to self-reflection and a great way to jump-start change in your life. We are always evolving and growing, but sometimes we hit a point in our life where we feel stagnant and stuck. YOU are the only person who can get you out of a rut! So take a moment, it doesn't take long to make two lists. I encourage you to put some fitness goals on each list. Being fit and healthy filters into almost all aspects of your life, PLUS endorphins are released in your body when you exercise, and they give you a feeling of "well-being". Sounds good to me!!!


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Future Oakley Ambassador?

Could I be the next Oakley Ambassador??? I hope so! This is a great opportunity for me to broaden my fitness knowledge and represent a wonderful company! I could use your help!

You can vote online at
it's an app so 'allow' it and vote for me!!! Thank you for your support and following my blog!


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Boost Your Workout!!!

Here is a fun & creative way to boost your dull, repetitive workout you are SICK of!

On notecards write an exercise on the front and a different exercise on the back. You will do as many reps as possible of the first exercise for 60 seconds, then flip the card and do as many reps as possible of the second exercise with no rest in between for 60 seconds. You can make as many or as few note cards you want, just take a 30 second rest between "super sets" (two moved done back-to-back without rest in between).

This kind of method is called the zigzag method. It effectively increases lean muscle mass and decreases body fat by engaging more muscle fibers and burning TONS of calories in a short amount of time (

The great thing about this workout is you can do it anywhere! At home, at a hotel, even the workplace. Challenge yourself by increasing your work time to 90 seconds or decrease it if you feel you are not working your hardest for the full minute. Make sure you flip the card after your first exercise and begin the next exercise immediately. Start with making 4 cards. That is 8 exercises total (8 minutes of work/4 minutes rest)

Here are some examples for your notecards:

Notecard 1 -
side A: LUNGES

Notecard 2 -
side A: SQUATS

Notecard 3 -
side A: PLANK

Notecard 4 -


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Train despite Rain!

When it's raining out and you just can't be bothered to get to the gym, check this out! You can get a REALLY great workout in AT HOME!

Tabata Cardio Workout (20-30 minutes)

This is a great workout for cardio, fat burn, and muscle tone. It requires little or no equipment and you can do it anywhere. It's perfect to do right when you wake up to get your metabolism jump-started and you can add or take away from it to make it easier or more difficult. Here's how it works!

Each movement is 20 seconds of WORK & 10 seconds of REST consecutively

8 rounds (or 4 each leg) each for a total of 4 minutes for each exercise:

Exercise #1: Single Leg Mountain Climbers

In the runner's pose, bring leg that is back up to meet other leg quickly, and kick back out. Keep tummy tight and opposite knee should not go over toe. Do no switch legs until the 2 minute halfway mark

Exercise #2: Push-Ups

You can do regular push-ups or start with "girl" push-ups or both! Keep back straight and bum level

Exercise #3: Reverse Lunges with Lateral Arm Raise

Standing with feet together step backwards with one leg into a reverse lunge, as you come back to standing posion (using light weights or none at all) bring both arms to sides up to shoulder-height

Exercise #4: Knee-to-Elbow Crunches

Lie all the way back and bring elbow up to meet your knee and alternate quickly

Exercise #5: Side Slide Lunge (on towel) with Bicep Curl

Standing feet together with one foot on a towel slide foot out into a side lunge, as you do this using light weights or none at all do a bicep curl with both arms. Release arms and slide back up to standing position

This ends the 20 minute workout. If you would like to add on more to make it a bit longer here are two extra exercises. The importance of this whole workout is to do the 20 seconds of work as hard and intense as possible. This being said, you may want to work up to a longer workout so that you can maximise each set of 20 second intervals

Exercise #5: PliƩ Sqats

In a stance a bit wider than a normal squat, point toes out and sit back and down as if you're sitting in a chair. Make sure your knees do not go over your toe,s and rise back up

Exercise #6: Russian Twists

Sitting leaning back with feet off the floor clasp hands together and touch the ground to each side of your hips in a quick twisting motion

These 2 exercises add 8 minutes to your 20 minute workout. Feel free to add on or take away, just make sure you're doing the 20 WORK 10 REST method. This is what burns fat and produces long lean muscle mass!!! Cool down and stretch for 2 minutes and you have a challenging yet quick 30 minute workout. Going from one movement to the next without any extra rest (other than the 10 seconds rest after each interval) keeps your heart rate up and triggers anaerobic metabolism. The more you do this the quicker you will reach your fitness and/or weightloss goals!!!!


Friday, March 4, 2011

Staying healthy when injured

It is hard to lose weight or stay fit IN GENERAL, but much less when you have an injury! Injuries happen to the best of us; including me, this past week playing indoor soccer! BUMMER!
It is easy to get discouraged and feel like all your weight loss/fitness efforts are wasted, but never fear! There are certain things you can do to maintain your weight or even lose some weight while recovering!

1. RESTRUCTURE your plan until you get back on your feet:

-Refocus your mindset by acknowledging that you are injured, and that sometimes you have to take a detour, but it doesn't mean it's the end of the road.

-Plan ahead! Prep meals ahead of time for work, school, etc, so you are not tempted by the "quick & easy" foods (a.k.a. Fast Food).

2. TWEAK your diet:

-If you are on a LOW anything (carb, calorie, fat, etc) diet, let your Dr. know - you might not be getting the proper nutrients to heal.

-Consider a multi-vitamin if you are allowed to cut back on your calories. Again, check with your Dr. to determine which vitamin is best for you.

-Stick with the Primal foods for natural antioxidants & ample amount of protein, carbohydrates, and fat: meat/fish, fruit/vegetables, nuts/seeds.

3. DO what you can without furthering your injury or preventing recovery:

-Get some kind of cardiovascular training (unless you are completely out of commission). For example, if your lower body is injured, amp up your upper body routine with weights, resistance bands, or machines; and vise versa for upper body injuries.

-Consult with your doctor about a swimming routine. A lot of injuries are conducive to swimming, and in many cases swimming actually promotes healing and recovery.

No one wants to be injured, no one wants to get off track, BUT taking a break and letting your body heal is essential. It doesn't mean you have to fall off the bandwagon completely, but maybe just hang on with your leg instead of your arm ;)