Thursday, June 16, 2011

Today's workout!

I did a fun workout with my good friend, Elicia (who is also a fitness freak!)

Warm up 5 min jog/dynamic stretch

Elicia: Jump rope 2oo rotations
Kati : One-legged mountain climbers (Do 10 on each leg until partner is done w/ jump rope)


3 min. fast-paced run

Elicia: Jump rope 200 rotations
Kati: sit-ups with 5lb. med ball with twist (about 30 reps or as soon as partner finishes jump rope)


3 min. fast-paced run

Elicia: Jumping jacks w/ 5lb. med ball Total=100
Kati: 10 Inchworms (stand feet together inch handds all the way out one at a time to push-up position. Do 1 push-up, walk hands back up to stand)


3 min fast-paced run
Cool down/Stretch

Takes about 30-45 min and is non-stop hard work! Try it!

Happy Fitness!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

HIIT this workout!

I have found the HIIT method to be most effective when trying to shed fat & get lean muscle mass.. Ask you what the heck HIIT it? It's an acronym for High Intensity Interval Training. Most interval workouts start with 30 second workouts. Rest periods come down from 90 seconds to 30 seconds. Warming up & cooling down are essential with this type of workout. You can use this method on virutally any type of exercise, from runnig to biking, mixed with jump rope, burpees squats, jumping jacks, etc. Email me with questions or examples of workouts.

Below are 3 levels of intensity in terms of rest times & sets...

Beginners should do about 6-7 sets of 30 seconds sprint./90 seconds rest (jog/walk)

Intermediate workouts consist of 30 second sprints & 1 minute rest (walk/jog)

People who feel they are already fit & would like to push themselves more can go the advanced route. 30 seconds sprint / 30 seconds rest for 12 rounds (give or take)