Thursday, March 25, 2010

LÄRA BARS are Paleo!!!! Yummmy!

LÄRABAR is a delicious blend of unsweetened fruits, nuts and spices - energy in its purest form. Made from 100% whole food, each flavor contains no more than eight ingredients. Pure and simple, just as nature intended.


Sweet with no added sweeteners. Sustaining with no added fillers, supplements or flavorings. LÄRABAR is what your body needs - real, whole food loaded with nature's own minerals and vitamins.

All of the vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein, good carbohydrates and healthy fats are derived exclusively from the whole food used to make LÄRABAR.

For LÄRABAR, we source the best possible ingredients. Every time. Every bar. Enjoy.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Paleo made EASY!!!

I am always on the go and not much of a cook, so I got these organic chicken skewers from Trader Joe's (they already have this delish chipotle marinade on them and only take 18 min to cook!), and I actually do a little Dairy in my diet, such as cheese with a little spinach, 3/4 cup of fruit, pecans, and a little raspberry vinaigrette! What a great and EASY Paleo lunch!!! Another suggestion if you don't have 20 minutes to prepare/cook is to cook meals on Sunday or the night before, refrigerate, then heat when you are ready to eat! It's all about preparation when it comes to Paleo. Your body will thank you though!!! ENJOY!!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Trainers need Training!!!

So as I prepare to go play FUTBOL over in England, I have decided to incorporate many different types of fitness into my regimen. After all, I am only human and fall short in many areas! So my latest fitness addiction is HOT YOGA! I not only love the stretches and balance poses (because soccer/sprinting/lifting weights keep your muscles VERY tight!), but I looove the heat of the classroom. The room is around 110 degrees fahrenheit, so you leave drenched in sweat, ridding your body of stress and toxins!

I have decided to do a 30 day challenge (and get my unlimited pass money's worth!), 30 classes in 30 days. This may require a little more discipline than usual, but the benefits are endless! I encourage you to try this out! Here is the Hot Yoga Nashville link,